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Architects Engagement Group registration
Page 1 of 3
3 Apr 2034
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Your details
1. What is your first name?
What is your first name?
2. What is your surname?
What is your surname?
3. What is your email address?
4. Which of the following most closely describes your place of residence?
East Midlands
East of England
London & South East
North East
North West
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
South West
West Midlands
Yorkshire & Humber
Other (please specify)
Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
5. How would you describe your nationality?
How would you describe your nationality?
6. Which ethnic group do you belong to?
Asian or Asian British
Black, Black British, Caribbean, African
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
Other (please specify)
Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
7. How would you describe your gender?
Prefer not to say
8. Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Gay or lesbian
Straight or heterosexual
Other (please specify)
Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
9. What is your religion?
No religion
Other (please specify)
Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
10. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? By disability, we mean any impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day duties.
Prefer not to say
11. By the time you were 14 years old, had one or more of your parent(s) or guardian(s) completed a university degree course or equivalent (e.g. BA. BSc, or higher)?
I don't know
Prefer not to say
12. Which of the following best describes you?
Academic (registered architect)
Academic (other)
Registered Architect
Architectural assistant, designer or consultant (not Part 3 qualified)
Architecture Student – undergraduate (studying Part 1)
Architecture Student – graduate (studying Part 2)
Architecture Student – Part 3 candidate
Elected political representative e.g. councillor or MP
Member of the public
Other built environment professional
Other (please specify)
If other, please specify
13. What is the name of the organisation at which you work? (Optional)
What is the name of the organisation at which you work? (Optional)
14. Are you affiliated with or a member of any relevant organisations? If so, please name it/them here:
Are you affiliated with or a member of any relevant organisations? If so, please name it/them here:
15. When did you qualify as an architect? (Please skip if you are not a registered architect)
Within the last 5 years
6-10 years ago
11-20 years ago
Over 20 years ago
16. What is the size of your architectural practice? (Please skip if this is not relevant to you)
Small of self-employed (1-10 employees)
Medium (11-50 employees)
Large (51+ employees)
I'm not practising architecture at the moment
I practise architecture in another type of organisation (e.g. developer, local authority, or other)
None of the above
If you practise architecture in another type of organisation (e.g. developer, local authority, or other), please specify.
17. In which of the following types of architecture have you the most experience? Tick all that apply.
Commercial (including office and retail)
Heritage and Conservation
Housing: single dwelling (new build or refurbishment)
Housing: multiple dwellings (excluding high rise)
Housing: high rise residential buildings
Housing: institutional (including care homes, hostels, student accommodation)
Hospitality (including hotels and restaurants)
Inclusive design
Masterplanning or large-scale mixed use
Sustainable design
Transport (including aviation and rail)
Research lab projects
Equality, diversity, and inclusion in the architectural profession
ARB’s policy development (i.e. ARB policy on the competencies architects need to demonstrate, or on how they join the register)
ARB’s approach to architectural education (including how we assess qualifications)
How ARB communicates and engages with you or other audiences
ARB’s approach to regulating the profession
Other (please specify)
If other, please specify
18. Are any of the following topics of particular interest to you? Please tick all that apply.
Equality, diversity, and inclusion in the architectural profession
ARB’s policy development (i.e. ARB policy on the competencies architects need to demonstrate, or on how they join the register)
ARB’s approach to architectural education (including how we assess qualifications)
How ARB communicates and engages with you or other audiences
ARB’s approach to regulating the profession
Other (please tell us about other topics you'd like to discuss with ARB)
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